Event Rules


Please Note: An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 (corona virus) exists in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is a contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. By purchasing or otherwise accepting a ticket to this event, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. You and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold event organizers, venue operators, managers and venue owners and their agents and their contractors, liable for any COVID-19 illness or injury in connection with you or your guests' attendance at the event.


No animals may be brought to the event due to Convention Center Policy. The only exception are Service Animals and animals that are part of the exhibit hall rescue program that have been given express, written permission to attend by the event organizers. Please do not bring your personal pets to the event.


SiouxperCon is intended to be a safe space for all attendees, guests, and staff to come together and share. If you feel you are being harassed by any attendee, staff, guest, or member of the general public, please contact Security or convention staff and provide them with a description of the incident as well as the person, including what they wearing and the area it happened in. DO NOT engage in retaliation or in any way escalate the event. DO NOT touch another person, or his/her costume, without permission. Uninvited touching or grabbing will not be tolerated. Repeat violators will be ejected from the convention. Be respectful of others. No harassment, catcalling, verbal abuse or stalking will be tolerated.

Inappropriate Messages & Displays

Clothing or signs that display messages deemed to be inappropriate or offensive to others (including, but not limited to, explicit language, homophobic, sexually suggestive or racially offensive material) will not be permitted. Convention staff reserve the right to ask attendees to change or cover offensive clothing. Failure to comply will result in your badge being confiscated. SiouxperCon is an inclusive event and encourages diversity and respect.

Weapons & Props

ALL PROPS RESEMBLING WEAPONS must be inspected, “Peace Tied,” and approved by Staff and/or Security prior to being carried or displayed in public areas. If you are found to be in violation of this policy, you will be asked to take it back to your hotel room or vehicle. If there are continued violations with the same prop, your weapon will be confiscated and you may be ejected from the convention. All SiouxperCon attendees are expected to show the same respect to the venue and staff if asked to put props in their car or room. ALL projectile weapons are prohibited. Prop guns will be permitted, pending inspection by Security, only if they meet the following criteria: They have no clips or moving parts They have a non-removable orange safety tip Remain Peace Tied at all times No live steel (edged metal weapons) will be permitted. Bladed replica weapons must be made of a non-metal, non-sharp material, must be no more than 72 inches in length, and must be approved by Security. Commercial weapon replicas purchased in the dealer room must remain peace-bonded/wrapped at all times, and must be taken directly to your hotel room or car after purchase. They may not be carried around the convention. If you are seen carrying a non-compliant weapon in convention areas, it will be confiscated and held by Security until the end of the convention. If convention staff feel that your prop poses a risk to others, you will be asked to remove the item from public areas, or it may be confiscated.

Costume Coverage Policy

Costumes must be suitable for all audiences, as SiouxperCon is an all-ages convention. Laws of public decency apply — if you would not wear it to Rainbow Comics or Dragon’s Den, do not wear it at the con. If you aren’t sure, don’t. Body paint is not a costume. No nudity or adult-themed props are permitted. Appropriate footwear is required at all times in the hotel and convention area. If your costume calls for bare feet, you may wear flip-flops or ballet slippers, but the soles of your feet should not come in contact with the floor. Inline skates (i.e. Rollerblades), roller skates, Togo skates, sneaker skates (i.e. Heelys), and the like may not be worn or used in the convention area. No fake blood that can smeared, squirted, dripped, sprayed or be otherwise transferred to another person or surface. This includes any type of dye, food coloring, or makeup. Body makeup that easily smears or transfers to any person or property cannot not be worn. Please properly seal and set all makeup so that does not happen. Staff reserves the right to spot test for proper setting of blood or makeup. You must have a clear line of sight, this includes peripheral vision. Being only able to see through a tiny eye slot does NOT constitute a clear line of sight. If this is unavoidable, cosplayer MUST have a handler at all times. Other cosplayer with masks or heads do not qualify as a handler. SiouxperCon staff reserves the right to make final judgment calls on what is “decent”. If staff feels that your costume is indecent or inappropriate in any way, you will be asked to change or cover it.

Prohibited Materials

Candles, fireworks, sparklers, liquid fuels or other fire hazards are strictly prohibited. Please avoid loose materials such as sand, glitter, confetti, flower petals or other items that are designed to fall, scatter, or otherwise separate from your costume. Please do not bring in props that too closely resemble drugs or alcohol.


By entering the convention, you agree to be photographed or video recorded by SiouxperCon staff and volunteers in the Convention areas, and understand that your image may be edited, copied, exhibited, published or distributed and waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein your likeness appears. Additionally, you waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of your image or recording in relation to the event. If you wish to take a photo of another person, please ask the person or cosplayer for permission first. Do not block hallways or public areas while taking photos. If you are taking a photo, please move to one side of the hallway against a wall, or move to another area. There will be a photobooth at the event, and SiouxperCon invites you to take your pictures in that area.

For the safety of all please observe the following:

  • SiouxperCon staff and security will have the final approval on questionable props and weapons. However, SiouxperCon is subject to the venue’s policies and the judgement of the venue’s management. In the event that props are found to be threatening or disruptive to the general operation of the venue, the venue reserves the right to ban props or costumes from the premises.
  • If not approved, you will be asked to remove it from the convention premises. Attendees MUST take such items immediately to their hotel room or off convention property.
  • SiouxperCon staff is not able to pre-approve weapons and props before the convention. A determination can only be made after actually handling and inspecting the object in question.

If you have questions, please contact admin@siouxpercon.com.